
Science and Technology


The aim of the K-6 Science and Technology Syllabus is to develop students’ competence, confidence and responsibility in their interactions with Science and Technology leading to:

  • an enriched view of themselves, society, the environment and the future;
  • an enthusiasm for further learning in science and technology; and
  • an ability to apply skills, knowledge, techniques and processes in problem-solving situations.

The subject matter of K-6 Science and Technology is organised into six interrelated content strands. They include: Built Environments (BE); Information and Communication (IC); Living Things (LT); Physical Phenomena (PP); Products and Services (PS); Earth and Its Surroundings (ES).

There are three essential skills that students should develop across the stages of learning. Students should be able to:

  • investigate natural phenomena and made environments;
  • design and make products, systems and environments to meet specific needs;
  • assess, select and use a range of technologies.

In Science and Technology, the children will be involved in research, investigating their environment, using many kinds of technology, working with a variety of materials, being involved with hands-on experiences, and designing and making useful things.

NESA Science & Technology Syllabus